Sunday, November 11, 2012

Come to the Blood-Donating Side..We have Cookies..

This month, the Concerned Bloggers Association  has taken on the topic of donating blood.

One of the topics is "Why Donate Blood?".

Well.  That's the simplest question of all to answer:

You donate blood to save a life.

Less than an hour of your time...can save someone's life.  It could be the life of someone you know, or the life of a father, a mother, a son, a daughter, a sister, a brother, a husband, a wife or a best friend that you will never meet. 

Ultimately, everyone donates for their own personal reason - but I can tell you from experience - donating blood saves lives.

As someone who has spent the last three years in and out of hospitals with their dad, I can honestly tell you that blood donations save lives.

My dad has had multiple transfusions - and between the chemo and the cancer and the heart disease and the diabetes and the strokes and the brain injury...he would have died without those transfusions.

So...why donate blood?  Well.  It doesn't cost you anything.  It doesn't hurt.  You get a cookie.  Oh, and you also save lives.

The real question here is..

Why not donate blood?

While a lot of people are currently donating to the Red Cross to aid Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, donating blood shouldn't be reserved for just disasters and tragedies.  Blood banks and reserves depend on your kindness and generosity year-round.   

Consider this a request from me to you.  Please donate blood today - because it will save someone's life tomorrow.  And if you have already donated blood?  It probably already HAS saved someone's life.

For more information, please visit the Red Cross (

And if saving a life isn't enough motivation............there ARE cookies.  I'm just saying.

Thank you.


This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by the Concerned Bloggers Association. If you would like to become involved, please contact Marleen Vaughan for more information.

1 comment:

Marls Vaughan said...

I love this post and this image. *gives you a great big hug* You're the best!