So here's the funny thing about having been in SL so long: You don't realize that you're kind of old and set in your ways. You do what you do..hang with your support the same places, generally..and you, in general, go about your business like always. And what other see is not unlike with RL - like high school, if you will; cliques.
It's not on purpose, though. And while everyone in SL has different activities, jobs, hobbies..a clique is formed regardless. Whether it's from supporting the same or individual avi. It happens.
I'll use myself as an example. Yes, I've made new friends in addition to my original ROB's/One World friends. Shocking, isn't it? I do speak to people other than Moo, Kim, BigD, Ehric and Crighton. BUT. When I choose to hang out, it IS generally with them. Why? Heck, I love 'em! I wouldn't choose anyone else to really kick around with. I can make the most trouble with my Spankers.
Do I think we, as a group, can intimidate people - especially people new to us and our behavior? Heck yeah. Do I think we're the popular kids of certain establishments? Maybe. Is any popularity because we're super loud? Most likely.
Do we exclude people because they're not one of us? No. Never. (See..we're a nice clique). We bring them in, clothe them, feed them and treat them nicely.
And the fun part of a clique? Where one of us poofs, generally the others are not far behind. I wonder if people dread that? Like..
"Oh crap..there's that she's bringing that damn Blissie..and the rest of those misfits". I know a club we invaded a few weeks ago felt that way. LOL
I'm rambling, aren't I? Disorganized thoughts, I swear.
Last night a pervy tiny avi came around. I think he should have been punted. Far and fast. Why? Because he made requests of the ladies that were inappropriate. Downright rude.
Is it something I would have punted Moo, Ehric, Crighton or BigD for? Never. ROFL! That's the thing about us..what we can get away with, nobody else can. And pity the fool that tries.
Maybe I've been thinking of this all wrong.
Not so much a clique, but a family.
Like..I can do it..but an outsider can't. Whatever it is.
Like..I can pick on Crighton, threaten to shoot him..but let some outsider do the same and they'd probably be orbited ten sims down.
I can call BigD my Monday boyfriend..but let another girl come along to do the same..she'd be tormented until she ran off screaming. MINE!
And I can call Ehric a sissy. But should some random Hiver do it, they'd be mocked mercilessly.
And Kim. Hm. She can suffocate me with her boobs..but another avi would be caged and sent on their merry way.
ROFL! And don't get me started on Moo. Nobody can do anything with/to/for him. Period. Mine! Mine! Mine! (I sound like the seagulls from Finding Nemo, eh?).
And while outside perception is always different of people..I find it funny that in private, we shed those images in front of each other. We know sadness, joy, frustration. Things we don't share with everyone on our friends list.
Maybe we are one big funky family.
Not a clique.
Would that make me the snotty spoiled little sister? Hmmm.
This makes more and more sense with each word.
S'ok. No matter what we are, I'm cool with it.
What was my original point?
Can't recall now.
But we're not as bad as you may think. And we're never too busy to make new friends - so don't let us scare you into running away.
Just don't expect to be one of the family instantly.
Side note. On my cab ride to work, I saw the words SPANK spray painted on a passing truck.
Omen. :) I swear.