Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pulling the Brim Down..

So I do learn lessons..and I do take advice.


But it happens.

When I first met Borday, he offered up some advice to me..which, at the time, I didn't take. He said "Bliss..you can't fix everything. Just let it go."

And a thousand shitstorms later, I'm learning. I'm trying not to intervene..or 'help'.

But here's the thing.

I've lowered the brim on my SL baseball cap and I'm just hanging around now. What you do..what you sow and what you reap..that's totally your business. Just don't cry about it to me.

Some wise old guy told me something..about cleaning up my side of the street. "If I have a problem with someone, I need to clean up my side of the street....that's the only thing I'm responsible for." I trust his advice. And in my own way, I've been taking it.

So I'll be here..with my eyes shielded from everything..trying not to stare at the carnage to come as I sweep and stuff.

Thanks for the advice. This time I'll actually take it.



wtchy said...

/me holds the dust pan for blissie...*looks down*

Parker said...

Advice well given and received. All we can do is be there as a friend even if we can't fix everything.

Me said...

I could build a bakery on my street..maybe with outdoor chairs...?